
EmersonMade Giveaway! Hooray!

When I got my EmersonMade gold coin necklace in the mail, I squealed and held it close to my heart. It was my dream and it is so dreamy.
Emerson is one talented gal who designs and creates her clothes, flower pins and even her gold coin necklaces.
I dreamed of having the Bird coin necklace and was over the moon that the kind hearted people at EmersonMade sent one to me.
I am in love.

The lovely folks at EmersonMade would love to gift one of you this gold coin necklace of the Lion.
On it reads, "FIDUCIA, VIRTUS, AMPLITUDO" which translates to "Confidence, Courage, Nobility of Soul."
Isn't that just the greatest thing?
I'll tell you what.When I wear mine, which is almost everyday, I like to put my hand up to my little birdie and remember, "Always towards better things."

So who wouldn't like to be reminded to be confident, courageous and noble.
And a plus, it's super eloquent and versatile.

For your chance to win this darling EmersonMade gold coin Lion necklace leave one simple little comment telling me you would love to win anything EmersonMade.
Because really, who wouldn't?

Emerson, thank you for inspiring women around the world every single day.
You are a gem.


Ariel Mae said...

I would LOVE to win something from EmersonMade! That necklace is gorgeous :)

Anonymous said...

I want to win!!


Shannon said...

that really is beautiful, and of course I would love to win!

Alex said...

what emersonmade is giving away, i'm signing up to win!

yo.soy.alexa at gmail dot com

Rachel said...

i would love to win anything from emersonmade. anything at all.

Meg said...

Love the clover-it's so me-thanks for a great blog!!!

Unknown said...

YUM! I would love to win anything from emersonmade <3

Terry and Heather said...

I would love to win one! it would make my day! LOVE It!

Cody McWilliams said...


Unknown said...

I WAAAAAAAAANT THIS SOOOOOOO BAD. ive been seriously swooning over emersonmade for FOREVER. and you're seriously doing a giveaway! crazytown! im wishing and praying i win! :-D

Kelsie said...

you have no idea how many times i get ready to purchase an emerson made necklace then back out!! i would LOVE to win this more than a fat kid loves cake! or more than jordan loves kevin beacon!

Ashley Bagley Nielson said...

I dream in Emersonmade! I would love love love to win that gem of a necklace

Jessica said...

I would LOOOVE to win anything EmersonMade!

*Becky* said...

Every woman should walk with confidence. I would ever-so-much LOVE to win that necklace!

Irene said...

I NEEEEEEED to win!!! :)

molly said...

I love all things emersonmade! Who doesn't?

Yani said...

i will love to win!!! ;0) i love the neckless ....ESCOJEME ESCOJEME QUIERO GANAR!!!! <3 ;0)

Unknown said...

Me, me, me......pick me!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win anything EmersonMade!


Patti said...

Love it AND it's gold. Awesome...

Mel said...

I would love to win this necklace to give to my Mom. The most couraegous woman I have ever met.

Stefanie & Brad said...

I would love to have this neckalce. I love love love anything that is one of a kind. Emerson makes such creative one of a kind items that I would be proud to wear something of hers. I also love how you Alex, inspire every day!

BCraftie said...

ME ME ME! You're right I would 'settle' for anything Emerson!

Anonymous said...

Emerson Made is such an amazing clothing line. <3 Love all of it.

Lisa said...

I love EmersonMade's gold coin necklaces!! Not only are they so beautiful and classy, the messages are so inspirational. I am keeping my fingers crossed for this one! :)

Christy said...

I would LOVE to win this necklace!!

Ruth said...

I've actually been looking at this necklace for weeks... it would be insanely awesome to now all of a sudden: win it!
fingers crossed

val said...

i LOVE emersonmade and would DIE to have this necklace!!!

Krizzotto@yahoo.com said...

I love the necklace and I love what it stands for even more....Thank you! Kerri@TresChiclifestyle.com

Rachel said...

I would love to win anything Emerson made, because, really, who wouldn't? <3 <3

Caroline said...

Love Emerson Made! Love the necklace, would LOVE to wear it...amazing giveaway!!!!

CHIARA said...

i would love to win it!!!

Lauren said...

Pretty Pretty!

Allison said...

I would Love to win anything EmersonMade!!!!

Bride_Krystal said...

This necklace would look so cute with my new Emerson Made clutch!

carolyn said...

such inspiration. and so ridiculously pretty. of course i love all things emersonmade, but as a leo, this little lion charm speaks especially loudly to me :)

Alison said...

I am a Leo and I like to roar!! I would love to have this eloquent Emersonmade necklace to remind me that I AM a confident, courageous, and noble woman!

Marie said...

I would love to wear this Emersonmade necklace in London where I live to show to my british friends how Emersonmade products are great... Discovered Emersonmade few weeks ago and just can't stop sharing it with my friends

from London with Love.... Marie

karen most fiesty said...

Do i need to even start to tell you how delightful Emerson Made is? I think not! ROAR

kristin said...

I have a giant girl crush on Emerson! As a young business women, she inspires me every single day as I strive to get my business off the ground. Her playful energy (and her duck, Jack, obviously) put a smile on my face even when things seem a little bit tough! I must get myself one of these gorgeous necklaces to remind me that hard work, perseverance, and a sense of humor WILL lead to success in some form.

Unknown said...

Oh WOW! I love everything Emerson Made and this necklace is so pretty!

Dianna said...

Je want!! Good words to live by!

Erin Goodchild said...

I really REALLY would love to win anything Emerson Made!

Kash said...

Ohhhh I love Emersonmade! Not just the clothes but the whole happy attitude of the stuff!

Chelsea said...

i love everything emerson made!!!!!

sign me up!


Erin said...

Oh, I have been eying these for weeks now! Isn't Emerson Made just the best? I'm glad you are enjoying your necklace and I hope I get one too!!!

christine said...

i would love to win anything from emersonmade!

Caitlin said...

I'd love to win this! I love Emerson Made!! cmc4388@gmail.com

Dale said...

This is prettiest necklace!

AL said...

soooo perfect.
classy, timeless, quirky, amaZING!


Kristen said...

Emerson is quite the inspiration. I often imagine me being successful enough to do what I love and design clothes that represent my life and what I love... and then to be able to model it all because Im smokin' hot!

dream come true....

I have been eyeing this lil' guy for awhile. Confidence, courage and nobility of soul...could it get any better than that!!!

You're so cool for getting to host this giveaway! :)

Callie said...

I would LOVE to win something EmersonMade--Especially one of her cute clutches, dress, or yes, this adorable lion necklace.


kbomb69 said...

Just came across your line not too long ago, absolutely love it!

kbomb69 said...

Fell upon your line not too long ago, absolutely love it!

Jill Finley said...

I too would LOVE to win this necklace!!

Anonymous said...

so true - i would absolutely LOVE to win anything from emersonmade!!

Steve and Lauren said...

I love everything Emersonmade! I would love their necklace. I hope I win the necklace!


Hannah Cusack said...

I could use a little more confidence, courage, and nobility of soul. yes, please!

Kat said...

What I would really love is to BE Ms. Emerson herself -- what a life! -- but would adore the necklace. . . something to wear while daydreaming!

Angie said...

I am obsessed with EmersonMade!

Anonymous said...

Pick me...pick me!!

radioshow said...

come to me lion necklace....

Megan @ Pink O'Clock said...

i would LOVE to win ANYTHING emersonmade--emerson is a genius. :)

Sumitra said...

I am so happy to have discovered Emerson! Inspiring & Unique :) The little Jack pics make me sooooo happy. I will dream of this pretty pretty necklace....*sigh*

Make.Good said...

Love EmmersonMade!!!!! Just received my flower pin yesterday and this necklace would be a perfect pair!

jenn said...

it's almost my birthday - this would be the BEST present!

Kate & Emma said...

I love absolutely everything on the Emersonmade site, but I am seriously coveting that lion necklace! It looks just like my kitty Leo, a big orange tabby who growls instead of meows. If I had it I would wear it every day and think of him..

Sara*P said...

I love, love, love Emersonmade! Her home, studio and life are so inspiring! Thanks so much for the chance to win my very own lion! xo

Jamie said...

One day I will own something from emersonmade! I've been following for a little over a year and am constantly inspired. I would love the lion necklace - just roaringly rawrsome!

CMR said...

Swooooon! I adore EmersonMade.

Caroline said...

DreamY!!! Would love to get my mitts on this fab necklace!

Sarah C. said...

So lovely. I love all things EmersonMade...especially Jack the duckling- he is amazing!

Brandy Chandler said...

I LOVE everything EMERSON!!!! How perfect is this necklaces for Leo's, which I am!

Hilary Ingersoll said...

I love the simple, effortless yet classic design of all the EmersonMade line. It would be lovely to have anything of hers!

Melissa Adams said...

I've been dreaming of having this necklace around my neck for a while! I'd love to win it :)

Meagan said...

One of these days I will win! Love the blog, love EmersonMade. Will write poetry for food or cool necklaces like this one...

Lindsay Miller said...

I am joining the ranks of Emersonmade faaaaans! This duo just nails it every time.
Lindsaymail AT gmail Dot com

Quincy Lamaster said...

I would love it because i love all of the stuff at emersonmade

Kaelan said...

<3 this. Hoping today's my lucky day!

a side of ranch said...

i have been swooning over emersonmade for what seems like forever! everything she does is amazing, and this darling necklace is no exception.

Unknown said...

Emersonmade! I love your style and creative energy. Thank you for creating and keep it up. I just ordered one of your clutches for my sister for her birthday this month. I would love one of your gold lion necklaces for oh so many reasons. I am a Leo and am purring with anticipation to see if I win.

Tunes & Spoons said...

oh emersonmade!!! is this real life? i would love this beauty!!!!

Irene said...

I've been eying up these little beauties for a while. I would love to win the courage of a lion.

arteriole said...

I would LOVE to give this lion a forever home!

Stephanie B said...

I looove these gold coin necklaces. Would wear mine every day if I had one!

Unknown said...

ooh pick me, pick me! I would love to win EmersonMade.

dagmara said...

Count me in! I would love to win one of Emersonmade's gorgeous gold coin necklaces.

Julie said...

Oh my goodness! I have wanted this so badly! Fabulous giveaway! :)

Faith J. said...

I would love to win something EmersonMade because all their items are just my style!

fashionkitten03 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Caroline said...

I would love to win that pretty necklace!

Kaylie said...

Actually I love the EmersonMade necklace.
I'm starving to win it!!!
It's so so great :D


Nicole said...

Such a a perfect, inspiring necklace! I'd love to win ANYTHING from EmersonMade, but i've been eyeing these gilded beauties since they were announced. It'd be a dream to win one!

Kim @ So Full Zest said...

I would love to win something from emersonmade because we are in a recession and I cant afford cute new clothes right now!!

J Squared said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I would LOVE to win!

ali said...

I want everything Emersonmade, but only if I get too look as good as Emerson does wearing them. I'm working on that. A necklace is definitely a good place to start.

Anonymous said...

i NEED this in my life, like I need ice cream and my husband. NEED!

Meghan said...

Any little thing from Emerson would brighten my day - so of course I would LOVE to win!

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity :-)

Unknown said...

My name is Arielle which is derived from "Lion of God" - very fitting...I would love to win this. I've never won anything before, this could be the day!

JessieRutland said...

Love this necklace and EmersonMade!

Ryan and LeDawn said...

oooh! I LOVE it and I want it! Scratch that, I NEED it. :)

rustystar83 at gmail dot com

The Princes said...

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win the Little Blouse - Seersucker Derby! Everything on that site is beautiful!

Amity said...

Lovely and apropos of what is needed for the times.

Gloria said...

i'm such a huge emerson fan and have been eyeing these necklaces since they came out. winning one would be a dream!

+++ said...

what a strong statement for such a delicate piece of jewelry!

i would very much enjoy having my own :)

Koko said...

Would love to win!!


ryan said...

It's so beautiful! I would love to win this!

Alicja said...

"And with no fear inside
No need to run
No need to hide
You're standing strong and tall
You're the bravest of them all"

jenna said...

These necklaces are heirloom pieces, I've been lusting after them for months. Literally visit the website every day. And I noticed this weekend that Kristen Bell was wearing one in "when in rome"! Fitting.

Liz T said...

I'm allergic to cats so could I please just have this one?

Sam Forster (From WHV) said...

Because who couldn't use a little courage? As a lover of The Lion King, Emersonmade, and being brave, this looks like just the trick

Lcurls said...

P.s.- i love that necklace! so dang cute, and of course I would wear it all the time... dur


Lana {lanalou style} said...

Oh pick me pick me! I love these new coin necklaces of Emerson's, I even did a blog post on them!;) Love the designs and messages, just plain gorgeous!!

Shawna Lauringson said...

I love this. It is perfect, just what I have been looking for. I just got a second interview for my dream job and I would love to rock this at the interview- reminding me to have confidence, courage and nobility of soul! How wonderful!

Unknown said...

because i need them ALL :-)

Leena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leena said...

Eeeek! Love that Emerson. Gorgeous necklace with an even more beautiful message!

va said...

cute necklace
tumblemumbo at gmail.com

Mollie said...

Such a fun necklace! Yes please :)

Little Lisa said...

Oh Emerson, your wares are so dreamy. This Lion necklace is divine. I covet everything EmersonMade.

Always, Hannah said...

I really want to win this! I can always use a good reminder and this necklace delivers.

karen and matt said...

i would looooove to win this necklace. a. it's a lion. b. the text is in Latin which i was forced to take in high school. That should count for something.

Margaret said...

Yes please!! Love EmersonMade and this necklace :)

Anonymous said...

I love emersonmade! Would love this adorable necklace.

Suni said...

LOVE.LOVE.LOVE EmersonMade, want it!!!

beautyschoolmommy said...

I love it!

Stacia said...

I would love to win anything from Emersonmade (I love it all)!!!

Unknown said...

i just got myself one of the emerson made clutches...the necklace would complete my outfit! I love emerson made!

Jill said...

I would love to win! Also, I used your ring flower pillow at my wedding, thank you! xo

Dara McFarlane said...

i would love to win ANYTHING EmersonMade. Seriously though, who wouldn't?!

Natalie said...

I really would love to win anything emersonmade! the necklaces are adorable!

Katie | FashionFrugality.com said...

PRETTY! Um, heck YES, I would love to win anything from EmersonMade! :)
fashionfrugality at gmail.com

Taylor Bartik said...

I WANT EVERYTHING FROM EMERSONMADE!!!! i love all of her beautiful products. especially this necklace!

Katherine said...

I would seriously LOVE to win anything EmersonMade - obsessed with their fabulous, well-crafted designs! Thanks for hosting this!

meisha said...

I have been a lover of all things emersonny since I first discovered emersonmade!! I still have yet to begin my collection, though!

BeautyForTheAges said...

Just what I would love to win right now in my life- a symbol of courage! Thanks for having this giveaway!

ashley nicole catherine said...

ooh yess i absolutely love these necklaces. and everything emersonmade!

Ellem said...

Emerson is an inspiration and everything she makes melts my heart!

Megan and Jordan said...

I feel like I need confidence, courage, & a noble soul...maybe this beautiful necklace will help! I want one!

HelloKit said...

oh oh! I love emerson made!! ROAR

LizofOz said...

Emerson Made is having a give away,
of something beautiful to make our day,
So here's my post, I hope they like it most,
Because my day kicked off with burnt toast.

Elisse said...

I love it! So pretty

Wilbur, Ellie, and Emily said...

I love Emersonmade and I would love to win the necklace!

H-Talbot said...

What a great necklace!! I could use a pick me up - pick me, pick me!!


Unknown said...

i want to win ANYTHING from emerson made. a flower? a mouse??? a dress? i do heart emerson made.

Paola said...

I am a Mother of three little ones who likes beautiful things but you know how it goes when you have kids..they always come first. So here I am trying my luck :)

Unknown said...

me me me!!!

*fingers & toes crossed, eyes shut tight*

E. said...

I would love love love to win something EmersonMade!! :D

Anonymous said...

I would love anything Emersonmade and plus,I'm a Leo so that necklace should be mine by birthright, n'est-ce pas? :)

Ethel said...

love love love

rinnyc said...

I have been dreaming and drooling over so many things on the Emersonmade site, and I have been wanting to make this necklace the first thing I get my hands on, so I would LOVE to win it!!


Anonymous said...

I am so in love with Emerson Made. I wish she would open up a store...I think I heard my closet has a lot of room? I've been loving her clothes but holding back because I'm trying desperately to stick to a thin budget these next few months. If there was a way to stick to my budget AND get some Emerson Made in my life, well, I'd just be thrilled.

C like Cat said...

I would LOVE to have ANYTHING Emersonmade -- are you kidding? I'm pretty sure that qualifies as Bi-Winning... right?

hunt0216 said...

AH-mazing give-away! LOVE IT!! ( :

I would love this necklace right now to remind me to take the courage to pursue a job i love!

Emily DiRienzo said...

I would love to win anything from EmersonMade because everything EM touches turns to gold!

Unknown said...

I love my bird coin. It always reminds me to keep my head up and looking towards what is yet to come. I would love the lion as well :)

Sunshine Hillyard said...

I have wanted one of these beauties for quite sometime...let's be honest I've wanted ANYTHING emersonmade for quite some time!
I'm obsessed OBSESSED I tell you and would die a sweet death if you would pick me!!!

p.s. Im obsessed OBSESSED I tell you with your "it's a love story" blog:)

craftysunday said...

wow! <3

Mosey said...

love your blog- i'd take anything from EM!

Melissa: Write it in Lipstick said...

I would so love to win this gem, everything they create is beautiful.

Write it in lipstick

RachelV said...

I would LOVE to win ANYTHING EmersonMade! I am such a huge fan of everything they do, and look at their website at least once a day. This necklace is an absolute beauty!

TheWrightStuff said...

I wanna win!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this necklace! I have been swooning over them since they were released.

ConnieB said...

Oh this would be perfect. I definitely need a reminder to be confident and courageous since we're moving to a new place with no friends or family around. I'm nervous!

Mommybug said...

Would love to win anything EmersonMade! Love their peices, so elegant and fabulous:)

Unknown said...

That is lovely!! thanks for the chance to win one!! My fingers are crossed!!

Natalie said...

Beautiful! I could use some positive affirmations like this one! :) Lovely giveaway!

Sheila Marti said...

Thank you for hosting this wonderful give-a-way! It would be lovely to win this necklace or anything else Emersonmade! I just LOVE her style.

Laurel Ann said...

The truth is... I would love to win ANYTHING from EmersonMade. Great brand!

Annie Brooks said...

Oh I've always loved that necklace! Emersonmade is the best!!

Maya said...

I would love this!

Unknown said...


Amy said...

I love everything EmersonMade & would love to win this necklace! Its perfect!!

ER said...

So cute!

jennifer joseph reece said...

I would love this necklace! Everything Emersonmade makes is golden!

-Jennifer Reece

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win anything from EmersonMade. I'm totally in love with their stuff!!

ejlittle said...

I love the lion on it!!

kate said...

i would love to win anything from emersonmade too!

kim said...

I would love to win anything emersonmade...really!

Meg said...

Love, LOVE all of the phrases on these necklaces. Thanks!!!

Stephanie-Jo said...

I love love love these necklaces! Everything she makes is so lovely! Thank you for the chance to win!

Ada said...

I would love to win ANYTHING from EmersonMade!! Leo it's my zodiac sign so this necklace is spot on!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Tawny Antelman said...

I would LOVE to win this necklace or anything Emersonmade :) Love the style of the necklace :)

Pick me!


Jacque said...

Everything EmersonMade is to die for! I would love anything, but I think my favorite is the Pockets Skirt.


Jenny said...

Am I too late? I hope not, because I would LOVE to win ANYTHING Emersonmade! I actually saw this necklace in person and almost died! Beautiful.

Lisa said...

I would LOVE to win this necklace! So cute!!!
Lschauwecker (at) hotmail (dot) com

Cori said...

Oh My Goodness I <3 Emmersonmade. She is my style icon! Simple, Classic with just enough of an edge....sigh but I can't afford any of her duds :( Sad day for me...

Unknown said...

Emerson's coin necklaces are so elegant, I could only dream of winning one.